new update snaptu 1.71 handler

Gak sengaja buka2 wap yk handler, ternyata ada snaptu handler yg tebaru.
Kelebihan snaptu lebih wust daripada versi sebelumya..
Dan bila anda mengerti tentang gretongan, pasti anda tau query apa yg bakal dampingin snaptu handler ini biar agan maem net gratis. :D
langsung saja sedot gan..
Salam symbian ompol's.
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buat garis

Membuat bullet

Dr.Web Anti-virus v6.0.0 build 12220 {Unlimited License} S60v3 v5 Unsigned Datecode 02.14.2011

Anti virus buat s60v3 dan s60v5.

kelebihan anti virus DR.web anti virus v 6.0:
* High-speed scan
* penduduk perlindunga Terpercaya
* konfiguras Fleksibel
* Minimum beba sistem
* rendah lalu linta memperbarui
* konfigurasi Fleksibel
* manajemen Muda antarmuka
* User-friendly
* Perlindungan dari panggila masuk yang tidak diinginka dan SMS Komponen:
* Anti virus & anti-spam
* Real-time scan
* Pindai file yang diterim melalui GPRS / koneksi Infrared/Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/USB- atau saat sinkronisasi dengan PC
* Dua jenis scan:
* penuh dan kustom Toggling on / off kartu memori scan
* On-demand scan seluru sistem file atau dari file yang terpisah dan folder * Pindai
APK, ZIP, SIS, CAB, RAR, JAr arsip
* Hitam dan daftar putih untuk angka dari mana callls dan pesan singkat yang
diterima Penghapusan
* dari file yang terinfeksi Pindah
mencurigakan file ke file Memulihkan
* karantina dari karantina
* Memperbarui lewat internet:
- Lebih dari HTTp melalui GPRS tertanam modul;
- Lebih Infrared / / Bluetooth Wi-Fi / koneksi USB-;
- Selama sambungan ActiveSync sewaktu sinkronisasi dengan PC
* Laporan pemindaian
Bagaimana mendaftar lisensi terbatas:
* Instal Dr.Web Anti-virus & jalankan
* Pilih Option" -> "Register" -> "From File"
* Selesai!
Sekarang Anda memiliki lisensi terbatas
Dr.Web Anti-virus v6.0.0 build 12220 {Unlimited License} S60v3 v5 Unsigned Datecode 02.14.2011

F-Secure Anti-Theftv6.60.17142 S60v3 S60v5 S^3SymbianOS9.x Signed Full

F-Secure Anti-Theft untuk
Mobile. Anda dapat yakin bahwa
informasi pribadi dan rahasia
memenangkan disalahgunakan oleh
siapa saja.
- Kunci telepon Anda dar jarak jauh via SMS
- Menghapus data rahasia dari jarak jauh via SMS
-Dapatkan informasi yang mencuri telepon Anda
- Temukan hp Anda
- Mudah untuk meng-upgrad dengan fitur keamanan tambaha langsung melalui ponsel.

Fitur dan cara y.. (translate)
- REMOTE LOCK YOUR PHONE Ok, you lost your phone lock it quickly with single SMS message! The phone stays locked until you get it back and enter the right password. Send text message: #lock# to your phone to lock it
- REMOTE WIPE YOUR PHONE If it looks like you wont be getting your phone back you have one more trick up your sleeve - erase all your confidential data. the thief is left with just the covers without of the content. Send the text message: #wipe# to your phone to wipe it.
- LOCATE YOUR MISSING PHONE How do you locate your lost phone or the person who has it?
Its simple use locate and see it on a map. Its as easy as that! Send text message: #locate# to your phone to see its location on a map. #THEFT CONTROL#
Want to nab the thief? If someone steals your phone and changes the sim card, the phone locks down automatically and the thiefs phone number is reported to you. This feature works automatically when its activated.
F-Secure Anti-Theft
v6.60.17142 S60v3v5Symbian^3
SymbianOS9.x Signed Full.sisx

Youlu Address Bookv1.21 S60v3v5^3SymbianOS 9.xSigned

Perubahan Log: Diperbaharui
pada 28/04/2011 1,
memodifikasi frekuensi
penyortiran kontak tidak bug
yang benar dan lainnya; 2,
menambah kekayaan primer
(poin) sistem; 3,
mengoptimalkan registri,
pendaftaran, proses reset
password, 4, dioptimalkan
untuk mengurangi jejak
memori; 5, mengoptimalkan
kecepatan pencarian, 6,
optimalisasi Friends of the
image melihat surat.

youlu 1.21

New update youlu 1.20 address book

Youlu address book aplikasi mobile sangat unggul. Anda liat saja fitur dibawah ini.
• buku alamat sendiri dengan kemampuan untuk mengedit;
• Membuat dan mengedit kontak, grup,
• Bekerja dengan pesan dalam bentuk
percakapan (SMS-chat);
• Pencarian cepat menuru nama & nomor; panggila individu
• dan pesan log untuk setiap kontak;
• Kemampuan untuk merekam
• Dukungan untuk kunci panas;
• Getaran sinyal ketika panggilan sampai k kontak yang disebut;
• Akses cepat ke buku alamat Anda
dari modus siaga (Smart
• Membuat cadangan pesan;
• Menyinkronkan kontak dan
kalender dengan server;
• Autostart.
Perubahan Log:
Diperbaharu pada 22/4/2011 -
Ditambahkan Messenge Youlu
dengan Youl pengguna dapat mengirim
pesan Youlu satu sama texting, lain justlike, dan cha secara grup juga didukung.
-Ditambahkan keberuntunga (poin) fungsi, penggun dapat mengirim Youlu k teman-teman untuk mendapatka keberuntungan.
- Prosedu Dioptimalkan dari sign in sign up, ulang sandi.
-Mengurangi penggunaa memori.
-Optimized pencarian kecepatan.
new update youlu v1.20

bbm ala nokia whatsapp-2-6-7 s60v3,s60v5

BBM (Blackberry messenger) buat iri pengguna nokia, tp skrang yg menggunakan nokia tidak perlu risau, karna aplikasi bernama what's app telah hadir untuk mengobati hati pengguna nokia. What's app mirip dengan BBM, selain itu fitur y tidak mau kalah dengan BBM yg bisa kirim audio dan vedio, serta kita bisa share lokasi kita berada.
Penasaran, download aja aplikasinya di bwah yg akn saya berikan.
Untuk BB, android, iphone jg tersedia.
Tp saya akan berikan what's app untuk symbian s60v3 dan s60v5.
Jangan lupa add saya. Pin : +6281231141491

Mobileways Gravity v1.50.6712 S60v3 & FP2 Signed - Gates

Gravity is the first fully-featured and native Twitter client for the S60 platform. It supports multiple accounts, Twitter Search, Laconica,, posting of pictures via MobyPicture & TwitPic and wraps everything into a gorgeous looking interface. Overview of Gravity’s Features: · Compatible with Twitter and Laconica · All functions available on your S60 phone: tweet, reply, retweet, DM, follow & unfollow, block, create favourites, search, auto-update and many more … · Tabbed view of your Timeline, Replies, Messages, Friends, … · Profile View to see
information about a Twitter User · Configurable Audio Alerts for Timeline/ Replies/DM’s & Searches · Auto-Connect to any Access Point and Auto-Fallback to WLAN · Setup and use as many accounts as you want at the same time · Group support for creating custom tabs with user-defined filters · Post URLs from tweets to, Instapaper or Read It Later · Twitter-Search section with multiple search tabs and Twitter Trends · Post pictures to MobyPicture, TwitPic, TwitGoo, Posterous, Yfrog or · Preview pictures from Plixi, Instagram, MobyPicture, TwitPic, TwitGoo,, Yfrog and · support by simply sending “p message” or “p # group message” · Open URLs from any Tweet · Kinetic scrolling on S60v5 ( Nokia 5800 and Nokia N97 )
· Theme support ( fixed dark and bright theme ) · Full-Screen mode · Includes a Homescreen Widget for the Nokia N97 · Built-in auto-update function and beta access for testing the latest features Changelog: Autofill name for s60v3
Mobileways Gravity v1.50.6712 S60v3 & FP2 Signed - Gates

Youlu Address Book v1.1.9 S60v3/v5 SymbianOS 9.4 Signed

Powerfull aplikasi untuk
mengelola kontak, panggilan
dan pesan. Program ini
menggabungkan banyak fungsi
dan dapat menggantikan
beberapa aplikasi standar seperti Kontak, Pesan dan Log.
Fitur aplikasi meliputi
kecepatan kerja yang tinggi,
integrasi penuh dengan
aplikasi standar, backup data,
merekam panggilan, sinyal getaran untuk panggilan dan
banyak lagi. Selain
menggunakan Buku Alamat,
Anda selalu dapat
menyelaraskan data dan
pengaturan dengan server pengembang. Aplikasi
memiliki user interface yang
indah ramah. Fitur utama:
• alamat buku sendiri dengan
kemampuan untuk mengedit; • Membuat dan mengedit
kontak, grup,
• Bekerja dengan pesan dalam bentuk percakapan (SMS-chat);
• Pencarian cepat menurut nama & nomor; panggilan individu
• dan pesan log untuk masing-masing hubungi; Kemampuan
• untuk panggilan merekam; • Dukungan untuk kunci panas;
• Getaran sinyal ketika
panggilan sampai ke kontak
yang disebut;
• Akses cepat ke buku alamat Anda dari modus siaga (Smart Dialing);
• Membuat cadangan pesan; • Sinkronisasi kontak dan
kalender dengan server;
• Perubahan Log Autostart:
Ditambahkan Youlu
Messenger} {fungsi Beta}

ThinkChange MazeLock v2.0 S60v5 SymbianOS 9.4 Signed

MazeLock offers an innovative way to
unlock your touch screen phone. How to use: Watch carefully the default unlock pattern when you start the application! You need first to set your own unlock pattern by connecting some of the nine white dots together (There is a default
unlock pattern pre setted). When you try
to unlock your phone, you need to draw the same pattern exactly as you set. You can also protect your side bar slider key -- double click the menu key to lock the phone. When the phone is locked, single click the menu key to show you the lock screen with large time display, if you only want to glance at the time, signle click the menu key again to turn off the light to save the battery! The lock screen can be easily configured according to your own preference: you can download plenty of backgrounds for free, the date and time display can be changed, the color of the text is also configurable. Phone Supported: Nokia: 5228, 5230, 5233, 5235, 5250, 5530, 5800, N97, N97 mini, X6, C5, C6, C7, N8 Samsung: GT i8910 Omnia Sony-Ericsson: U1 Satio, U5 Vivaz, U8 Kanna
ThinkChange MazeLock v2.0 S60v5 SymbianOS 9.4 Signed

Symbsoft SymbRecorder Pro v5.S60v3 S69v5 S^3 Signed

SymbRecorder 5.0.0 The most powerful call recorder & voice recorder in the market, BEEP FREE .Recorded amr/ wav clips are PERFECT without audio gaps! SymbRecorder 5.0.0 Features Totally new business level voice recorder! Phone call recording automatically or manually, BEEP FREE! Voice memo recording, make your phone as a dictaphone. Most advanced beep suppression technique, 3 Beep Suppression Modes: Mode1 - Perfect quality in amr/wav format with no audio gaps, the device side will hear a beep but the other side will NOT, for newer cellphones. Mode2 - Perfect quality in amr/wav format with no audio gaps, both sides will NOT hear the beep, profile will be changed before recording and recovered after recording automatically, for older cellphones. Mode3 - With some loss of audio (This is tunable, so it can usually be improved) in amr format, both sides will NOT hear the beep, for all cellphones. Compatibility: Support all of the following phones: Symbian^3 (Currently may beep on both sides, we're working on an update) Nokia C6-01 / C7-00 / E7-00 /N8-00 S60 5th(V5) (Beep suppression Mode1 and Mode3 are applicable) Nokia C5-03 / 5250 / 5228 / 5233 / C6-00 / 5230 Nuron / 5235 Ovi Music Unlimited / N97 mini Nokia X6-00 / 5230 / 5530 XpressMusic / N97 / 5800 XpressMusic S60 3rd(V3) FP2 (Beep suppression Mode1 and Mode3 are applicable). Nokia X5-01 / E73 Mode / C5-01 / X5-00 / E5-00 / 6788i / C5-00 / 6700 slide / 6788 / 6760 slide / Nokia 6790 slide / 6790 Surge / E72 / 6730 classic / E52 / E71x / 5730 XpressMusic / N86 8MP Nokia 6710 Navigator / 6720 classic / E55 / E75 /
5630 XpressMusic / N79 / N85 / N96-3 Nokia 5320 XpressMusic / 6650 fold / 6210 Navigator / 6220 classic / N78 / N96 S60 3rd(V3) FP1 (Beep suppression Mode2 and Mode3 are applicable) Nokia E63 / E66 / E71 / 6124 classic / N82 / E51 / N95-3 NAM / N81 / N81 8GB / N95 8GB / 6121 classic / Nokia 6120 classic / 5700 XpressMusic / 6110 Navigator / E90 Communicator / N76 / 6290 /N95 S60 3rd(V3) (Beep suppression Mode3 is applicable). Nokia E61i / E65 / N77 / N93i / N91 8GB / E62 / E50 / 5500 Sport / N73 / N93 / N71 / N80 / N92 / Nokia E60 / E61 / E70 / 3250 / N91 Notice: Due to regular firmware updates, maybe some features don't work on your phone.
Symbsoft SymbRecorder Pro v5. 00(0) S60v3 S69v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x Signed

MoWo iDialer v1.11S60v3S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.xSigned

Dialer - small app to quickly search for contacts and installed sis/java applications. Search is carried out
in the standby mode accordingly selected categories, such as Phone number, Company, Job title or Installed apps. For each of found contacts provides pop-up menu with set of options, such as Call, SMS or MMS, viewing detailed information, editing, etc. Key features:
● Smart dialing to quickly search for contacts and installed applications;
● Pop-up menu for each of found contacts with set of
options such as Call, SMS/MMS, Details viewer, Editor;
● Display icons of the installed applications and ability to quick launch any app;
● Ability to download skins ● Selectable search modes and categories;
● Window position settings and selectable number of rows to display results;
● Built-in updater;
● Auto launch the app at start up your phone;
● Hidden from active tasks list;
● Search for bookmarks;
● Bookmark manager with import feature from built-in browser and UCWEB;
● White List. Now you can choose which applications will appear in search results;
● Full support for S60v3 s60v5 and S^3 devices. New features:
● New function of displaying strange number contribute
place , When input numbers it will show the place of the number belong to in China. ● New function of V5 desktop icon self- definition, user can change the icon on the desktop, there are three kinds of status:default, press,long press. If you just change part of them , system will use the default one for the icon you don't change. Changelog: Unavailable at the moment Installation NOTE: Please remove the previous version before instal ling a new one!
MoWo iDialer v1.11 S60v3
S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS 9.x

Mig33 v4.61 J2ME S60v3{Connect your friends inFacebook, Yahoo, MSN,AIM & GTalk}

Mig33 is a free global community that keeps you in touch with friends and family, anywhere you want. Connect with friends on MSN, Yahoo, Facebook, GTalk and AIM messengers all at once using Mig33. You can also use chat with emotions and exchange a photo too. Free mobile chat, cheap calls, IM, email, photo-sharing, all from your phone. Key features
● Support for popular IMs: Facebook, Yahoo, MSN, AIM & GTalk
● Chat Rooms: Chat with anyone and anywhere. Chatrooms are a great way t
meet new friends. There are tens of thousands of chat rooms for you to meet others who may be near you, from another country, and you can chat in different languages too. For more fun, add emoticons and send gifts to your friends, as you're chatting away.
● Profiles: You can create your own profile, tell the world about yourself and meet friends with similar interests. Share profiles, photos, scrapbooks and more..
● Photo Sharing: Share photos with your friends online or on mobile real-time from your phone. These pictures will automatically saved to your online and mobile scrapbook.
● Connectivity: Inexpensive International Calls. You can make low- priced international calls from your mobile punching in annoying serial numbers. For call rates you can use our Rate Calculator.
● SMS: We have great value rates for sending an international SMS. You can text to over 100 countries and 500 networks around the world.
● Content Store: Premium Emotions like Flirt, Yum or Err, Scream, Vomit or Bum, Introduce a Devil, Rabbit or Monkey! Have fun and express yourself better with a range of premium emotion packs that you can buy and use in your chats.

Opmin v6 tsel

Opmin versi 6 gratis kartu tsel..
note: saya sarankan hp yang anda gunakan sudah mendukung 3G ke atas..
apabila masih menggunakan koneksi GPRS, anda coba aja berulang ulang, biasa y terjadi DC.
ok, gk perlu panjang lebar lagi.. 
setting koneksi anda dengan apn,port, n proxy standart..
donwload aplikasi y dibawah ini..
salam hangat symbian ompol's

Opmin43HUI200b4R2 & Opmin43HUI123b4R2

Srv cen
settingan buat opmin handler telkomsel.
liat ss diatas.
settingan koneksi hp buat standart.
untuk handler y, cukup isi front query y "" tanpa tanda petik.
 fitur opmin handler 4.3 r2

Added Feature:
-Multi Windows
-Demo on Zero Navigation

-HUI call back on not Show at start (effect on Multi Clipboard,Template and Screenshot).

Previous Feature:
-Multi Clipboard -Template -ScreenShot
-View Text
selamat mencoba..
by:symbian ompol's


Hey bro n sis penggemer gretongan, salam gretongan n salam buat community symbian ompol's..
Hari ini saya akn mempostkn opmin 4.3 tsel gratis.
Ok bro n sis, gk perlu panjang lebar lg,
buat jalur apn standart,
port standart
proxy standart
instal opmin 4.3 y di hp lu, kok bisa di memory hp, agar kinerja opmin y maksimal.
Next, buka tuh opmin, bila tidak mau, ulangin aja, biasanya masalah koneksi.
Browsing2 saja dulu, n tutup opmin y, n cek data pengeluaran (*887#), dan lihat hasil y..
Ok, saya rasa cukup tutor y, tp ingat ini khusus kartu tsel.
Silahkan download opmin y di bawah ini.
opmin 4.3 tenshi tsel
opmin 4.3 tenshi tsel mirror

TTPod v.4.10 Beta S60v5/S^3 Turkish Translation CepTeam

English translate CepTeam.
Test 5800
New version of powerful music
player, now with S^3 devices
support! Key features:
● Full support for S^3 and S60v5 devices
● Special interface for control using touch screen
● Supported formats: MP3, AAC, WMA and M4A
● Built-in equalizer
● Sound fade, stereo widening and bass boost effects
● Support for skins and visual effects
● Ability to download songs , album covers and lyrics
● Online access to music charts
● Sleep timer
● Mini-player in background mode and many more
features... New version
● Lower operating memory footprint;
● Speed up the menu to open the speed;
● The optimal switching songs;
● The solution S60V5 play automatically after a period of
time to stop the problem;
● Solving the problem S60V5 back card;
● Address S60V5 volume of different songs in different
formats the problem;
● To double-click on the list; ● Close the list of transparency, to improve fluency slide list;
● S60V5 songs rejection after lock screen;
● The song pauses songs when you do not respond to
● When the increase in access points pop temporarily use the
network option.
TTPod v4.10 Beta english.sis


Best Profiles allows automatic profiles switching according to your schedule, calendar or GSM cell location. For each profile Best Profiles allows selection of additional settings such as: backlight, sound on activate, run custom application etc. Any user of a Nokia Smartphone had experienced the following situations: while in the office, meeting or dinner suddenly your phone disturbs you. An incoming call? Not now! It's the only thing you can think about at the moment. Quite often interruption puts you into an embarrassing situation. Another example: you are lying in bed, trying to have some rest after a hard day at work, and again the phone
is ringing, because you forgot to switch off "your favourite toy"... Terrible! It is natural to expect your smartphone to be able to change profile settings automatically, for example a silent mode at night or at work. Unfortunately, the smartphone does not offer such a possibility. But there's no need to worry: Best Profiles integrates this feature into your smartphone! Features: * Schedule rules - allows defining a schedule to change profiles; * Calendar rules - allows switching profiles basing on calendar events; * Rules priority - allows configuring rules priority; * Today view - summary view showing how exactly Calendar and Schedule rules will work, taking into account priority; * GSM Location rules - allows switching profile automatically if GSM cell serving your phone changes; * GSM Cell log - allows recording GSM Cells IDs in a log for easier management of Location rules; * Charger rules - plug/unplug charger rules; * Advanced profile settings - extended settings to take effect at respective profile activation; * Timed profile activation - allows activating a profile for a certain period of time; * Lock profile - Profile lock against automatic rules effect; the locked profile can be changed only manually or with help of "Cancel activation" function; Changelog: Unavailable at the moment. Attached:

Handy Blacklist Retail by daeva112

Version: 3.05(0) Status: SIGNED Protects your time and peace of mind by keeping undesired calls off your phone. If there is someone you just don ’t want to hear from, let Handy Blacklist keep that person off your phone!
Handy Blacklist Retail by daeva112

Smartphoneware Best Converter v2.00 S60v3v5 SymbianOS9.x Signed incl Keygen-HSpda

Converts 1100+ units between each other. Miles to kilometers, radians to degrees, kilograms to pounds and many others. Suitable for common everyday purposes as well as for scientific ones. Features include: * 1130 units in 67 categories. * Results are calculated automatically when you type a number. * One click for Category and Unit From/To change. Changelog: Unavailable at the moment

Condetsoft Asmaul Husnav1.0 S60 Java Full-FoXPDA Software dhikr

Software dhikr Asmaul - husna complete with sound, the Arabic script, how to read and meaning in the Indonesian language, and the benefits or preferment, if read as a remembrance to a particular dose. This software helps you, Moslems and Moslem, who wants to know God through the most Beautiful and also help those who want to memorize. Note: Register With Any Key & This Software Just Has Indonesian Language
Condetsoft Asmaul Husna
v1.0 S60 Java Full-FoXPDA Software dhikr

Aims Migital Smart Guard Plus Retail by 211avead-daeva112

Version: 2.00(0) Status: SIGNED Hide your Secret Photos, Videos, Messages, Contacts, Personal Data etc. in your Phone? Hide all Gallery Files – Images, Videos, Audio.. Hide Secret Sms & Contacts. Hide your personal information Like Credit cards, Passport Number, Account numbers etc. Hide Folders, Notes, Word, Excel, PPT Files etc. Access to Hidden Section is Password Protected! Additional Encryption option for Extra Protection. Note: After installation it will ask to fill your personal data. Don't write your real e-mail, just write wrong e-mail. Ex: a@ b.c. But if you forget your password, you can't get it again from official site, so don't forget about your password. **If you want to write real information, it's up to you. This is just my suggestion.

ITAgents Theft Aware Retail by 211avead-daeva112

Version: 2.00(0) Status: SIGNED {Updated on 02/11/2011} Control and find your phone in the event of loss or theft. No subscription fees, no data transfer to 3rd parties, COOL
Stealth Mode! Upon SIM card change, Theft Aware will invisibly send all the details of the thief. Theft Aware - ONLY anti theft solution that provides REAL INVISIBILITY! REMOTE COMMANDS - GPS tracking - Online map services support - Lock phone - Loud siren, customize the siren sound - Wipe phone - Backup contacts - Backup SMS - Phone calls you back - Implement own SMS commands.
theftaware_retail_ 211avead-daeva112.sis

lcg slick v.68

Slick is a messenger application for mobile devices. It allows you to chat with your friends connected though various online messaging applications. Currently it is still in development, an alpha version is available for free for public testing. Features: * Supported protocols: ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, MSN, Google Talk, Jabber * Text messaging * Emoticons * Alerts - sound, backlight, vibration, notify window displaying the number of new messages * Group and buddy management (add, delete, rename) * Message history * File transfer - send and receive files * Sending / receiving offline messages * Downloading files sent as links * More features to be added Compatibility: Nokia: E50, E51, E52, E55, E60, E61, E62, E63, E65, E66, E70, E71, E72, E75, E90, N71, N72, N73, N75, N76, N77, N78, N79,
N80, N81, N82, N85, N86, N91, N92, N93, N95, N96, N97, 3250, 5230, 5235, 5320, 5500, 5530,
5630, 5700, 5730, 5800, 6110,
6120, 6124, 6210, 6220, 6290,
6650, 6710, 6720, 6730, 6760, 6788, 6790, X6 Changelog: v0.68 (April 1 2011) - Small fixes.
slick v.68

Mobileways Gravity v1.50.6.702 S60v3 S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x UnSigned Cr@cKeD -By- cGiPDA is proud to announce the first alpha version of Gravity 1.5 with a broad number of new features, bug fixes and a completely renewed Facebook section. Gravity’s gorgeous fullscreen User Interface has been further improved and is now available for all Symbian platforms: Symbian^3, S60v5 and S60v3. Gravity comes with its own beautifully designed virtual keyboard for touchscreen based phones. Of course, the keyboard is also compatible with portrait mode. A lot of work has been spent on polishing the user interface. If you look closely at Gravity’s new UI, you will see round edges, engraved buttons and shadows for a three-dimensional look & feel and of course semi- transparent controls whereever they enhance the user experience. Twitter Your own tweets that have been retweeted are shown in the “My Tweets” tab The “In-Reply-To” button will show all retweets of your (retweeted) Tweet Browse all your own Favourites by scrolling down (automatically loading more) Browse all User Tweets (from a user’s profile) by scrolling down Facebook Support for Messages and Notifications has been added Posts now show the picture and additional description text Browse a user’s Wall and post to the Wall Read up to 30 most recent comments in a special Post & Comment view Virtual Keyboard Virtual Keyboard for Symbian^3 & S60v5 in both portrait and landscape mode Landscape mode virtual keyboard finally has Close & Send keys Key button popups are rendering correctly on the left and right sides of the keyboard A special Edit key opens the phone’s default editor The keyboard supports English, German, French,
Spanish and Portuguese Layout Miscellaneous The new S^3 fullscreen mode is now available for S60v5 as well Auto-More: List automatically loads and displays tweets from Cache Preview of pictures supports now Google Reader now synchronizes read/unread posts on startup Twitter/Facebook buttons have been added to the new keyboard for Foursquare Bug Fixes The main changes introduced in this new build (6702) involving the
translation support online tweet of foreigners, and compatibility Twitlonger
the service, which allows sending Tweet longer than 140 characters, and support to the proxy. Some Bugs Fixed..! Release Type:- No Need To Register...!
Mobileways Gravity v.1.50.6702 S60v3 S60v5 S^3

Geeky Avatar

Version: 1.01(0) Status: SIGNED Requirements: Latest Qt Tired of boring address book? Faceless contacts and blurred photos? Send it to hell! Let your friends be cool and colorful in your phone like in real life. Geeky Avatar can help you with that. Answer calls with pleasure when seeing stylish funny avatars..
Geeky Avatar
Traffic Counter Pro - Cell (EDGE,
3G), Wifi counter - SMS and Call counter - App-traffic list (2.2+) - Beautiful widgets (4x1, 1x1) -
Display All/Month/Week/Today - Low energy usage - Statistics and Graphs - Backup to SD TRY "Traffic Counter Extended" BEFORE BUYING! KW: log mobile net stats usage Recent
changes: - correctly count long SMS and multiple recipents Code: p/android/ com.carl.tcpro/.
Traffic Counter Pro v1.6.1

TuneWiki v0.04.205 Pro S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.4 Signed Full by daeva112

Have you ever wondered "what is she singing?", or just wanted to read the lyrics of your favorite artist? Then TuneWiki Social Music Player is the app for you. Features: -Sync own music library with the app - options to read lyrics in karaoke style as song plays (must enable 3G Internet to
sync lyrics from www to the app) -downloads album art immediately to the app - SHOUTcast radio (listen to various radio stations worldwide or choose by genre) -Inbuilt YouTube Music Video search -Save your YouTube MV into your library for future viewing -View YouTube MV from the app itself -Song Lyrics search -Music Maps (see where in the world the song you're listening to is playing via Google Maps) -TuneWiki Top 50 (Artist OR Song Around the World OR by Country) -Sync Twitter & Facebook account with the app to post updates about the song you're listening to. - Read what other people are saying about the song -Use TuneWiki's music player offline TuneWiki combines a global community of music lovers with the most advanced music player in the world, allowing you to view lyrics in 'karaoke' style, see what others play around you, understand the lyrics in languages other than your own and check who else plays the music you play - around the corner or around the globe..

ShapeServices IM+ All-in-OneMessenger v9.01 S60v3SymbianOS9.x Unsigned Cr@cKeD -By- cGiPDA

IM+ will keep you connected all-in- one to MSN/Live
Messenger, AIM/ iChat, Facebook, Google Talk, Yahoo!, ICQ, MySpace, and Jabber. Here are some key features of "IM+ Pro (Symbian)": Communicate with all your friends in a single buddylist, share your files and photos. Record and send voice messages. Exchange messages in any language installed on a phone. Set your own status to give your contacts an idea of your mood, manage your contacts. Chat in portrait and landscape modes. Send SMS to your contacts from address book at your carrier charges right from IM+. · Communicate with your friends in a single buddy list. No pre- registration required! · Send IM for free and save on SMS! Or send SMS to your contacts from address book with your carrier charges. · You may have multiple conversations at the same time and use multiple accounts of the same service. · Set your own avatar and status to give your contacts an idea of your mood, you can also manage
your contacts. · Send photos and voice messages. Changelog: Performance improvements Requirements: ·S60 3rd Edition Devices Release Type: No Need To Register...
ShapeServices IM+ All-in-One Messenger v9.01 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned Cr@ cKeD -By- cGiPDA


Version: 1.00(1) Status: SIGNED
Requirements: Latest Qt (4.7.2) Download YouTube videos to your mobile phone with this handy little application. Support resolutions from 240p up to 720p HD quality (if available) The videos are stored in your video folder and you can at any time enjoy the high quality videos off line or project them onto a TV, thanks
to the Nokia HDMI and TV-out.. - 159 KB

MyBackup Pro v2.6.8

RESTART YOUR PHONE AFTER UPDATING Supports All Android Mobile Devices and Phones: HTC, Motorola, Samsung, LG,
etc... Backup (with schedule
option) to our online secure servers, or SD card, your Applications, Photos, Contacts, Call log, Browser Bookmarks, SMS (text messages), MMS,
Calendar, System Settings, Home Screens (including shortcut positions), Alarms, Dictionary, Music Playlists, and more... Restore your backups on your existing or new phone. What's in this version: Option to not show Change PW dialog on startup. Slight changes to some end user messages. Nicer GUI for Large screens (Galaxy Tab), and X-Large screens (Motorola Xoom). New integrated application in list "COL Reminder" Minor fixes. Slight enhancements to Secured Online Servers. More Info: Code: https:// details? MyBackupPro Download Instructions:
MyBackup Pro v2.6.8

lcg slick gratis tsel

Sapa yg tidak slick dari lcg,! Menurut saya aplikasi buat chat yg sangat stabil hanya slick. Tp slick ini hanya mendukung hp yg OS symbian, "kasian hp java y". Ok, langsung aja trik y.. Ubah proxy n port hp anda. Apn : telkomsel Proxy : port : 80 yg laen biarkan saja. buka slick y yg udah di instal td, konekkan dgn koneksi yg udah di ubah proxy n port y.. Udah dibuka, tutup kembali slick y. Coba anda cek *887#. /konek 1kb. Sampai saat ini saya msh gratis menggunakn lcg slick. Nb: work 100% di 5320xm.
slick 0.68

Zen Brush v1.13 for iPhone,iPod touch, iPad

Description Zen Brush is an app that allows you to easily enjoy the feeling of using an ink brush to write or to paint. It allows anyone to easily perform fluent strokes while not compromising on the fascinating texture of a real ink brush. Create works that radiate the right atmosphere by choosing the best background template from our large collection. You can post your works easily on twitter. *Hashtag #ZenBrush FEATURES - Background style templates (29 kinds). - Brush size adjustment slider. - 3 ink shades available. - Eraser tool. -
Undo function (1 time). - Export to Camera Roll. - Twitter post function (through TwitPic). DEMO MOVIE (YouTube) Youtube Video *Search for "PSOFT Zen Brush" on YouTube! Version 1.13 - Smoother drawing sensation on the iPad
Zen Brush v1.13

GoodPlayer v1.2

Description No need to convert the media files before playing it, GoodPlayer can play AVI, Xvid, Divx, WMV ,MKV, RM, RMVB, AC3 etc... files directly on iOS devices. Just transfer the media files to your iOS devices by iTunes File Sharing or over Wi-Fi, then it can be played at once. Features: -swipe fingers to up and down on playing, to change the subtitle or turn off subtitle on the fly (for media files with subtitles) -swipe fingers to left and right on playing, to change the audio track on the fly (for media files with multiple audio tracks) -TV out/VGA out support ( for iPad & iPhone 4 & iPod Touch 4 only,
please note iPod plugin playing in application does not support
TV- out, only native application playing support TV-out, and also please note that iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 3 do not support TV/ VGA-out feature) - Universal, supports iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch -srt subtitle supported -mkv embedded subtitle supported - kinds of subtitle language encoding method supported -24 bits true color, no color information missed -Easy file deletion, swipe left/ right in the file list to delete the media file -"Open In" feature supported: open video and audio files from Mail email attachments and Safari web browser -3gp,aac,ape,asf,avi,divx,dv,f4v, flac,flv, gxf,m2p,m2ts,m2v,m4v,m4r,m4a, mkv,moov, ov,mp3,mp4,mpeg,mpeg1,mpeg2, mpeg4,mpg, mpv,mt2s,mts,mxf,ogg,ogm,ogv, ps,qt,rm, ,tp,ts,vob,webm,wm,wma,wav ,wmv file formats supported - Resume from last played position -Subtitle font, font size and font color customization supported -AC-3 5.1 audio supported, downmixing multiple audio channels to a stereo output for iDevice playing back Please note: 1. for iPad, it is strongly suggested that upgrading from iOS 3.x to iOS 4.x, this will give a GoodPlayer application big performance boost. 2. If uploading files by Wi-Fi makes the application exit, change into a different browser client and upload again. 3. After uploading media files by iTunes File Sharing, if the new uploaded files are not in the list, just change into "Wi-Fi" or "Setting" view then change back to "GoodPlayer", the new uploaded files will be listed. 4. This application need Cortex- A8 or Cortex-A9 CPU for installation and running. For
the special iPod Touch 3 8GB model, please double check the CPU requirements. Reviews from customers: "First of all I would like to congratulate you on making an excellent product! I have tested quite a few of the various play-all formats media players in the App store, but the picture quality, sharpness and depth of
field of the GoodPlayer is so far the best video player. Much better than other players ... , to name but a few." - by Richard "VLC media player replacement Works very well for it's intended purpose. Love being able to watch stuff that I couldn't put on my iPhone before." - by Goblu57 Updates in 1.2 Version: 1. Performance improved, much faster than the older versions 2. Subtitle font, font size and font color customization 3. UI improved, add icons to the media file list.
GoodPlayer v1.2


Description ToonPAINT allows you to easily create awesome looking cartoon- paintings with your own photos. Even if you have never drawn or painted before, ToonPAINT sets you up for quick success by providing a "MagiSketch" that you can simply color-in. It's as easy as "paint-by-numbers", but using your own personal images. Unlike other photography apps, ToonPAINT is not just an image filter -- it's a smart-painting application that enables you to express your creativity and obtain compelling results without requiring you to take Art classes. Simply import a photo, create an "automagic" sketch of the photo, color-in at your leisure, and you're done! IMPORTANT -- You can CHANGE THE COLORS in the palette by DOUBLE-TAPPING on the color splats. FEATURES: --------- * IMPORT: Import pictures from your iPhone or iPod touch, or even take a snapshot with the iPhone's built-in camera. * MAGISKETCH: State-of-the- Art image processing algorithms process your input image to create a customizable sketch, fully automatically. You can create many exciting effects just by adjusting the basic and
advanced MagiSketch settings. * PAINTING: You can color-in the MagiSketch by painting with your finger to create amazing images within minutes. * AUTO COLOR: With our new optional Auto Color feature, you can take the hard part out of creating great looking color sketches and let
the app do the heavy lifting. * SESSIONS: Your current session is automatically saved when you load a new image, so you can continue it at a later time. * UNDO/REDO: You can correct any painting mishaps by shaking the iPhone, or by accessing undo/redo via the "bomb" icon. * NAVIGATION: While you paint, you can pinch- zoom and pan to give you the most control over your painting. * HELP/HINTS: New to painting? We've got your back!
When you first use ToonPAINT, help screens instruct you about the functionality of the app. For more advanced users, we provide in-app hints and tips. * LANGUAGES: ToonPAINT now supports 10 different languages We hope you enjoy using ToonPAINT as much as we enjoyed creating it for you! Your Toon-FX team. (Demo images under creative commons license, by Flickr users BodogGirl, Mickael Casol, and Izzard) What's New in Version 2.0 MACWORLD five Mice. ***** PC WORLD five Stars ***** New in ToonPAINT 2.0 - Completely new easy to use UI and workflow -Full resolution output -Improved painting system. -Infinite undo on paint -Speed optimizations on Inklines for iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 -New "Hall of Fame". Upload your photos and vote for the best! Photos chosen by the community will receive prizes! -"Volbeat Me" coloring -
New additional features, "Auto Color" and "Alpha Brush" -FIX: ToonPAINT 2.0 fixes all known crash issues.
ToonPAINT- v2.0 _ed- Stereo89.ipa - 3.5 MB